Hipstamatic’s Gangster Squad FreePak

by Pu on November 23, 2012

Hipstamatic just released the Gangster Squad FreePak. This add-on comes with a camera case, a lens and a film. I tested this new gear today and I have a few shots to share.

Gangster Squad Lisbon

As mentioned above, the new freepak contains the Gangster Deco, a steel and leather case with a very classic vintage look, the circular GS-0 film and the highly contrasty GSQUAD lens.

Gangster Squad Camera Case

I like the frame of the GS-0 film, even though its use is definitely kind of limited. I must say that I had the most fun using it with other lenses, as the look of the GSQUAD didn’t quite do it for me, especially to render the rich yellow hues of the trees in this season. Getting the framing right with the film can be a problem at first. Given the shape of the frame, it’s essential to be careful not to cut off important details and not to include anything you do not want to be there. The trick is to keep all in the middle area of the frame, which may work with some subject and may not work at all with others.

Hipstamatic GS0 + GSQUAD

Hipstamatic GS0 + GSQUAD

Hipstamatic GS0 + GSQUAD

Hipstamatic GS-0 + Foxy

Hipstamatic GS0 + John S

The Gangster Squad FreePak is available in the Hipstavault until December 6. Get it now if you wish to have fun with it: it’s free.

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